Do you wish to start your business without having to invest a fortune? Do you wish to test waters in different markets without having a physical setup in the location? Do your employees love working from home? Have you considered the virtual office service? It is an offering of the coworking industry that allows you to work remotely while having a physical presence in a particular location. The virtual office service offers you features like mail handling, telephone answering, office location and meeting room so that you have a proper work address for various paperwork and client meetings. You can have a virtual office in Noida, Delhi, Hyderabad, Mumbai or even in cities like Surat, Pune and Jaipur so you can test markets without any heavy investment.
In recent years, the demand for virtual office service has been very high due to the rise in remote working professionals. People don’t want their travel to hamper the quality of their work and hence they take their job wherever they go.
Is Virtual Office worth it?
You can make the most of the features of a virtual office if you are just starting up or you’re a startup. Let’s check what it has to offer:
Lower overhead costs: Since you’ll only be using the office address and not exactly the office space, the membership cost would be lower than you thought. You would definitely get to use the meeting room as required along with other services as part of the package. Anybody can send you couriers at the given address and you can also use this office address for business registration, GST registration, website and all paper works. This is exactly opposite to a traditional office where even the tiniest of expense is borne by you. Since coworking spaces are managed offices, everything is managed by the service provider.
Simple agreement: Since this is a service of flexible spaces, you can customize the services as per your requirements. Increase it or decrease it, it’s up to you. You’ll be charged on a monthly basis and there will be no heavy security amounts like in the case of traditional spaces. Virtual offices are here to support and encourage healthy work culture and not a binding one.
No daily travel: Suppose you work in an office in Noida, you have to travel every day. The distance could be anywhere between 10 minutes to 2 hours. Traveling is said to take the biggest time of a person’s day. With a virtual office, you don’t have to travel to the managed office space in Noida thereby saving a lot of time and energy. The saved time is used to create and maintain a better work-life balance.
Increased productivity: As discussed, virtual office leads to a significant reduction in commute time, those hours could be used in working too. The amount of energy you drain in changing metro tracks and in traffic will be directed to the actual job. A fresh mind and energetic body work better and hence, more productivity.
Better work-life balance: People working from home can spend more time with their family than they ever did. Catching up with friends becomes easy and frequent when you are not out from home for 12-13 hours per day. The virtual office is loved by people who always wanted but couldn’t give time to their near ones. This makes employees happier and happy staff works better.
Test waters in different markets: Since the virtual office service doesn’t mean a physical workspace, you can explore regions by registering them in one. You can expand your business across cities by just registering for a virtual office in that area. For example, you work in Delhi but wish to test Noida and Gurgaon market, then you simply register for a virtual office in Noida and Gurgaon and use that address for hiring, meetings and mails. You will always have an office to go to when you are traveling.
Access to global talent: You can have a person in any corner of the world where your clients/markets are by hiring a person for and from that location. Looking to serve clients in Dubai? Hire a virtual office and an employee from Dubai for them. Things have become simpler, expansion has become easier and access to human resources is easier.
How does Virtual Office for Remote Workers permit work effectively?
Virtual office service is known to give your business a more professional, credible and legitimate touch that can never happen when you are working from home, especially for certain businesses that require frequent client dealings and documentations. Having a prestigious address ensures that your business is looked at as other sincere businesses out there. A business owner always needs a visiting card, a website and an email ID for clients, customers and business related procedures. Also, you cannot give your residential address and landline number for official papers as this only affects professionalism and your business image. To make your business seem more approachable and “real”, the virtual office is there to help.
Choosing an office location that backs your reputation is very useful. There will always be a difference between choosing a virtual office in Faridabad and virtual office in Noida. The biggest benefit of a virtual office is that you can work from anywhere while maintaining a professional image by having an address of a prime location. If you’re looking to save money by not investing in a physical space, virtual is the best option. Not just small ventures but even big corporations are enjoying its advantages.
How will Virtual Office work best for you?
- Every employee must have access to a computer. It can either be their personal laptops or the company provided systems. Remote working requires a computer as much as high-speed internet. To make virtual office work effectively, make sure the employees are equipped.
- Since everyone will be working from different locations, it can cause problems will people don’t have their respective set of data/information. Make sure that the right person has the right information. Since everyone would be working remotely, everyone must be equipped with their share of information for smooth operations.
- Yes, your team is connected with each other all the time but there must be somebody who would take the outside calls for you. The business enquiries, client messages or call forwarding to a specific person is better done by a person operating the landline. Hence, use the service that comes with a virtual office.
- Although the virtual office is there to support remote working but catching up with team also becomes important. For certain projects, the team-mates could meet and discuss things face to face. There can be important discussions that can’t happen over the phone calls. Also, catching up once in a while instils the feeling of belongingness in employees.
The managed office spaces in Noida, Bangalore, Hyderabad and other areas free the entrepreneurs of that location from a lot of worries that come with renting and maintaining an office space. The virtual office is an amazing concept for small and medium companies who must be focusing on their projects rather than the furniture and fittings and for remote workers who wish to set their business up but can’t afford to show up at the same place every day.