Why Let’s Connect India Coworking Space In Noida Is The Best Option

It’s been some years since the idea of coworking has been introduced in India and interestingly, it didn’t take much time to get so widely accepted. The fact that it changes the way people work and gives office spaces a new dimension, it is a totally different real-estate affair. Today, even the university students are interested to have their venture started in a fully-furnished managed office space that has everything right from the beautiful interiors to the best facilities.

Move over those conventional workspaces with dull walls, boring cubicles and upsetting vibes when you can be a part of the most loved office environment in a shared work space. You just have to choose a suitable space provider, pick a plan that matches your requirements, move in with your laptop and get started.

This is the reason these places are also known as “plug and play” offices. Managed office spaces were initially in metro cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Bangalore and Chennai but soon there were coworking spaces in Noida, Gurgaon, Pune etc and now they’re also in tier 2 cities helping more entrepreneurs and dreamers achieve their goals.

Shared office spaces have been a saviour to those who wanted to execute their ideas or ditch that regular 9 to 5 job for something more fulfilling. The major reason why these office spaces are given a global consideration is the cost factor. Unlike the conventional spaces that give you only a property with no other facility, coworking spaces around the world offer a lot without hurting your pockets.

Shared space providers have their multiple centres to cater to a wider audience and help hundreds of clients find the space they always wanted to work at. They charge their members only with a membership fee as per the chosen plan against which they provide a bouquet of services like high-speed internet, unlimited supply of tea/coffee, electricity, housekeeping staff, front-desk professionals, IT support, printer/scanner, event space, meeting rooms, access to community events and others.

Coworking spaces in Noida, Gurgaon, Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore and other cities that are a hub to multinationals and other corporates have been enjoying advantages of these places. Another great thing about working in a shared working space is that you get to form connections (networking) and might also benefit the collaboration opportunities.

Fortunately, when you are in a managed office space, you might never have any dearth of work opportunities your way. The professional from another company may be one of your good connections who might share with you a requirement that can be of use to you. Imagine you’re a graphic designer who works on the same table as a startup who might need a designer. In this case, they can talk it out and be of use to each other which is an advantage to both the parties.

One of the emerging most preferred locations for businesses and hence coworking spaces is Noida. It’s a city that is growing with the growing number of companies, startups and multinational establishments. The metro connectivity that extends till Greater Noida adds us to another reason. The number of companies in the city offer job vacancies to the people manifolds.

The infrastructure of this planned city also allows the coworking spaces in Noida to help the entrepreneurs who wish to make their way through their long hard worked business ideas. The good thing is that there are a lot of good shared space providers in Noida amongst which the emerging one is Let’s Connect India.

Headquartered in sector 59 of Noida, this coworking space has everything that a member or a business as a whole may require to get going in their venture without any hiccups. Only a couple of months old, this managed workspace is a perfect office space for freelancers, startups, SMEs and other established firms.

The process is as simple as the other coworking spaces. You just have to enrol by choosing a suitable membership plan and get started. With hundreds of seats and catering to hundreds of members, the space provider aims to help the progressive India. Modern infrastructure, latest technology, perfect services and a creative environment would boost your performance and efficiency levels.

Why You Should Choose Let’s Connect India While Looking For The Right Coworking Space In Noida

Gen-Z management

It would be very fair to say and believe that only the millennial generation understands the millennial generation. What one requires to keep all their focus on work, the kind of interiors, the work atmosphere, the selfie-worthy spaces and opportunities to interact with other talented people across industries to form business connections was never the need of the previous generation. When the management of the space provider hails from the same era of life, the services provided can never be a disappointment because “they understand”.


Choose to work in an open space (hot desk) or rent private cabins, use the meeting/conference rooms or book event space for those important sessions, go for one seat or multiple, that’s all your choice. Not just you can customize the plans and the number of seats but also the layout of the preferred seating arrangement. All the modifications can be done as per the requirements without any hassles.

Virtual office

You have the option to be omnipresent by choosing the Virtual Office space service. Work from anywhere you want; your bedroom or other side of the country while you get yourself registered with a proper work location to mention the formal address on your documents, website, visiting cards and email signatures. It is also great when you have to host your client for an important meeting because then you have a very professional space to bring them to.


Flexibility of time (working hours), plans (hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly or annually), number of seats and location add to the ease of working. It is said that strict timings, long commutes and boring offices hamper your productivity whereas when you’re free to choose the best time, place and environment for yourself, you’re happier and work better. Such flexibility is offered by Let’s Connect India.

Bouquet of services

Meeting/conference rooms, open desk (fixed and flexible), event space, housekeeping staff, cafeteria, IT support, front-desk assistance, printer/scanner, private cabins, parking space, high-speed internet, inspiring walls, positive atmosphere and unlimited opportunities to connect and thrive together is what this coworking space in Noida has to offer to you.

Latest technology

Superior quality printers, scanner, drawers, lockers, biometric, CCTV, LAN connection, accessible plug-boards and all the other technologically advanced requirements that you might require at work are easily providers to make your stay comfortable and worth it.

Helps to attract or retain talent

Today, as much as you screen the candidate to check their suitability in your company, they screen your work environment to match their vibe. No matter how successful a company you are, you are always on an edge to lose some of the best candidates because your office is dull enough to be the place they wished to work at not just the modern spaces of a shared office attract new client but the fun events and the positive vibe acts a great deal to make them stay for long even more than the appraisal you offer.

Easy on the pocket

While you get the best of the services and support, customization facilities and everything under the same roof, you might worry about the price the space provider might charge but to you surprise, all the membership plans are affordable and don’t burn a whole in your pocket. You don’t have to exhaust your savings or spend a fortune to get what the best of the workplaces have.

When you’re starting afresh and want to build connections and get yourself introduced to businesses to get work or be referred to, there is no better place than a coworking office for it’s the only place where you can meet talented professionals across industries and businesses that might have you on board for the services you provide. A freelancer too gets to enjoy the same advantages of getting hired by an agency or startup in the same space.

If you manage to make friends, they might also refer to their connections for you nature of businesses and how a collaborative work environment forms. Noida being one of the best business hubs have shared spaces like Let’s Connect India that not only help you with the office plan of your choice but also arranges for events where you can learn, have fun and build formal connections.

Though, there is a list of fully furnished coworking spaces in Noida to choose from that are beautiful, swanky, hi-tech, renowned and have branches all over the country but what separates Let’s Connect coworiking from them is the cosy workplace that feels like your own and fits in the budget. Every coworking has almost the same bunch of offerings but it’s the vibe that makes one shared space better than the other.

Have a doubt? Book a tour of the office and our experts shall assist you and answer all your queries over a cup of coffee. Give us a chance to give you the tour of our property and let you know why you should choose us 🙂