Hybrid Workplace Solutions Changing The Way You Work Forever

The global pandemic has shifted the working style and the workplace is not just an office anymore. While the employees are comfortable working, they miss interacting with people and socializing at work. It’s been a year since offices are shut and businesses are trying to come up with ways to maintain office culture that now seems possible with a hybrid working model. People are getting vaccinated and companies are figuring out ways to start working as before. With a hybrid model, employees will have the flexibility to work from anywhere they want- corporate office, coworking space, coffee shop or from their homes.

Match your needs with a viable solution

A hybrid working model is a workplace that combines the essence and benefits of flexible working and in-office working both. The members have the freedom to choose from working in the office, remotely or splitting between the two options. Workers can choose which location would be best for their efficiency. Fun fact- Facebook has allowed half their employees to work from home permanently!

The biggest reason that a hybrid model should be preferred is for it prioritizes the employees’ experience and convenience. As much as it will be useful till the pandemic subsides, it will provide flexibility to those who want and demand it in the long run. Employee happiness and cost cuts would come together with it.

Types Of Hybrid Workplace Solutions

On-demand space

Talking about remote working, employees should have the access to shared spaces in case they wish to work from one. You employee, however working from home, might wish to enjoy a professional environment at work. A one-day pass should be given to them to put to use as and when required. Coworking spaces like Let’s Connect Coworking help you with day passes for your employees that could be availed even on short notice. Also, this helps in breaking the monotony of being at home all the time.

A dedicated space around them

People working from home shouldn’t feel discouraged from not having a particular place to work if not from home. Arranging for an office space your employees could use in their particular city would be great. This way, they’d feel more involved in the company and work efficiently. Access to a dedicated place of work outside the home keeps remote workers connected to your company and colleagues around the world.

A set-up free from distractions, having necessary facilities, a professional environment and services letting them stay productive, engaged and collaborative even way from the headquarters is what you need. A shared space like Let’s Connect Coworking would give you a multi-location access thereby helping your employees work closely.

Spaces enabling face-to-face conversations

It could be a little difficult for remote workers to have an in-person discussion with clients and coworkers. Professional and safe spaces where they can have your important people over would be one of the most important benefits of the hybrid model. Calling people at public places has been a widely adopted option but doesn’t work with highly esteemed clients.

Workspace with new ways of working

Unlike a regular office that has only desks and chairs, a workplace under a hybrid model will have meeting rooms, quiet corners, relaxing areas, conference rooms for video calls etc so they can choose the best corner for their work. Good rentable office space will provide you with all the facilities you might need at work.

Benefits to employees

  • Working from home or closer to home save time in commuting.
  • Having a dedicated place of work helps being more focused at work.
  • Employees can have another place to work than just their homes.

Benefits to the companies

  • Cost savings as most of the workforce will operate from home.
  • Access to country wide or global talent.
  • Happier and more efficient employees due to offered flexibility.

The Future Of Work Is Hybrid

It’s been more than a year since people are at the comfort of their home and technical setup and don’t really wish to return to the regular office and daily commute. Sure, working from home is not possible many times and here is when the coworking spaces/ rentable office space come to action. Proper infrastructure, facilities and professional work environment while being able to work around people yet in isolation would continue to be the choice of remote workers and even companies looking for a hybrid solution for their employees.

It\’s proven that remote working has been very successful offering numerous benefits to both employees and employers that can’t be enjoyed at home. No doubt a hybrid work approach is the thing of the future for how it puts employees’ preferences first and allows people to work the way they wish to. Also, with fewer people in the office, you can tightly follow the social-distancing guidelines making the workplace a safer one.

The core principle of a hybrid model is enabling people to be at their most efficient self with a dynamic way of working. If you’re planning to form a remote team to meet the changing needs of your company, don’t hesitate to go for a hybrid way of working that would support your business goals!